Ever heard the expession "can't think straight? " My whole life is the anthem for that expression.
It drives me crazy. You know how fb or twitter will only let you type a certain number of characters in the status box? You can keep typing, but it doesn't show up, like your status just hit a wall and can't continue...um hmm, that's how my brain works. Unfinished or lost thoughts are my new norm.
What causes this? I mean, everyone I'm around seems to "have it together". Where's my "it" and why isn't "it" all together in the same place, at the same time? It is exhausting.
Maybe I just have so much more to deal with than the average wife-mom-business woman-secretary- housemaid-cook woman out there. That's it. Those who have it together have noting better to do with their time than have it together. I don't like you. You make me look bad. You make me feel inadequate. You make the boss in me wonder what the heck I was thinking when I hired me. Do you think if I fired myself, i'd have more time to get the rest of my "it" together?
That's all of the unallotted time I can use for this. I must move on to my next unscheduled task while pushing aside all of the things I'm supposed to be doing. Look out...here
comes a day of "Patti-ness"