1. What is your most irrational fear or dislike (i.e. something most people are fine with, or something that brings back bad memories)? I am terrified of bridges. I try so hard not to be, but I just can't seem to control it.

2. Describe your last (or only) encounter with the police. Several years ago, I was stopped at the end of the road I live on because I didn't have a tag on my truck...But, I did...I had the temporary tag in the window while I waited on my vanity tag to come in. Vanity tags are a waste of money! :)
3. What's the biggest secret about yourself that you've ever revealed, accidentally or on purpose? I don't have secrets. Anyone who knows me knows all you have to do is ask...
4. When is the last time you were really, really angry? November 2009 Did you do anything drastic because you were so angry? I "lit into" the person who made me mad bc she tried to "back me into a corner" I didn't want to be backed into. I have only been that angry twice in my life and it was not pretty. It was definitely good that we were conversing by phone and not in person. :-0

5. If you could raise someone from the dead, who would it be, why, and do you think he or she would be happy to be alive again? Mama Frey. I miss her wisdom and hilarious-ness. I regret that I didn't spend more time with her and that I wasn't closer to her...even though we were pretty close. Besides the fact that she is now in Paradise, she would be happy to live again. She loved life and people. She fought for life right to the end.
Now it is your turn. Copy the questions into your blog and give it a go.