When did you last have occasion to march anywhere? When I was in the Marching Band in High School which was %& years ago. We were good, we won a lot of competitions. Yes, I was a band geek.
- What kind of hula-hooper are you? HA! Twice around then to the ankles. I have no rhythm. Makes you wonder about the previous question, right. I can count time, I just can't move my body "like that!"
What kind of madness is most likely to infect you this weekend? Oh, I'm already miffed that I know that while discussing the day's plans, a certian inlaw will say "at least you don't have to worry about visiting your dad today since he's dead." Yeah, I know...but do you know the inlaws? If so, you understand why I'm already miffed and may even ask me why it makes me mad every time this person feels the need to remind me that my dad died. All of that said, I have to say this is why God tells us it is a sin to worry about things as if He can't handle them. The visit came and went without the first mention of my dad. The conversation was good, the visit was enjoyable and everything was right in the world. So, why do we work ourselves up over such things?
- Under what circumstances this past week might you have had reason to shout, “SCORE!” Hmmmm...I was pretty happy when I paid $3.41 for gas and it was $3.59 at all of the other stations. Pretty sad to celebrate paying that much for a gallon of gas. But, it is what it is right now. WE are the only ones that can CHANGE it.
- When did you last inadvertently dribble, drool, or otherwise let liquid escape your mouth while trying to keep it in? It has been a couple of years. I was eating a banana and tried drinking some coffee at the same time. The coffee came out of my mouth and the banana out of my nose. Unfortunately, the clumps of banana landed in my coffee cup. I didn't even bother making a fresh cup, I just went without that morning.
Hope you enjoyed. I didn't really have anything cute to tell....lame! Thanks for reading it anyway. LYMI!
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