Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What is all this "PC" talk about?

My number one New Year's Resolution for 2011 is to avoid being "politically correct."  Why would I want to do that?  Because I believe liberal media outlets in this country (and other countries who should stick their nose OUT of our business) pressure us to change the way we speak, think and communicate based on the model they want us to fit into, that they (the governing body) control.  Doesn't that sound like this form of ugly governance we call "communism?"

The term "Politically Correct" or "PC" is defined by Wikipedia as "a term which denotes language, ideas, policies and behavior seen as seeking to minimize social and institutional offense in occupational, gender, racial, cultural, sexual orientation, religious belief, disability and age related contexts."   As I understand, in plain English, being PC means changing what you would say or how you would naturally say it so that you don't hurt the feelings of someone who is oversensitive or offended by truth and honesty.

Former Presidential candidate Pat Buchanan states "PC is cultural Marxism...Its trademark is intolerance."  Richard Bernstein further defines it as "pressure to conform to currently fashionable ideas."  Doesn't the very definition of PC go against our Constitutional First Amendment right of Free Speech?  Am I no longer free to call a "spade a spade" without suffering repercussions from someone who has a different view or opinion?  I believe that freedom to express differing opinions and beliefs without rebuke is part of what makes this country great.  Isn't that partially what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they declared our independence?

Making certain terms taboo or repressing the use of certain descriptions is an attempt to control communication and thought patterns.  Again, I ask what form of ugly government that sounds like.  For instance, it is now PC to say "firefighter" instead of the offensive "fireman," or "physically challenged" instead of "blind" or "handicapped."  My favorite is the adjective "Caucasian culturally disadvantaged" instead of "white trash."  Come on, really!

The "Politically Correct" are so egotistical that they go against the very meaning of the term in describing those who do not subscribe to their way of thinking.  If someone is not PC, they are characterized as racist, bigoted, or hate mongers instead of just honest and outspoken.   A "politically incorrect" person then is bullied into shying away from speaking based on their personal beliefs.  Those bullies strive to force me to adhere to their standard of expression based on their judgement that mine is unacceptable.  They will not concede to the fact that outside of God's laws of kindness and love, there is no basis for an authority to enforce "Political Correctness."  The liberals, communists and progressives in this country desire to be just that.  They cannot succeed if patriots like me and you stand up for the Constitution and the unalienable freedoms we are granted by our Creator and prevent the denial of the rights we have simply for being Americans.  Our Founding Fathers fought and died for this and it is our responsibility to keep it alive.

Still not sure what it means to be "Politically Correct?"  Here are a few examples:

"The Arizona shooter is an idiotic uneducated white trash cultist raised by idiotic, sorry excuse for parents who should have been sterilized" is not PC.  Rather, "He is a victim of an untreated mental and psychological imbalance who was raised by Caucasian culturally challenged individuals."

Killer = Innocent victim of his upbringing
Nancy Pelosi talks too much = She is abundantly verbal
Hillbillies = Appalachian Americans

A few common ones:

Black = African American
Indian = Native American
Gay = Alternative Sexual Orientation
Short = Vertically Challenged
Tall = Vertically Advanced

And the all time worst:

Merry Christmas = happy holidays ( I hate that...I mean, I strongly dislike it...No, I mean I HATE THAT!)

What are the PC statements that stand out most to you, funniest, most offensive or just down right tee you off?

Thanks for reading.

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